Saturday, December 5, 2009

Within the first few results

This code, mentioned cursorily in the SensePost paper Putting the Tea Back into CyberTerrorism (do a Google search for Tea Cyberterrorism), performs a Google search for a domain name prepended with an @ sign, excluding the domain's main page.This will effectively search for e-mail addresses, even though Google ignores the @ sign. For example, when searching for, this script will search for — This excludes hits from the gmail site itself. Consider the output of this query, as shown in Figure 4.4.
Within the first few results, you should notice a few legitimate-looking e­mail addresses, specifically and You could sift through these results by hand plucking out e-mail addresses, or you could simply run this Perl script, which does all the heavy lifting for you. We'll run the Perl script, instructing it to search for addresses, only using 1 of our 1000 daily allotted API queries (which translates to a total of 10 Google results).The output of this run is shown in Figure 4.5.
Notice that this script also located the e-mail addresses we found when we performed the search manually. This script really begins to shine when we allow it to sift through more results. Allowing the script to process through 50 results (run with ./ 5) returns many more e-mail addresses, as shown below:
Obviously, the vast majority of these e-mail addresses are invalid, but this script really shines when it's fed more specific domain names instead of free Web-based domain names.
Patience Pays Off
Searching through thousands of Usenet posts is a tedious and time-con­suming process; however, you will find the results well worth the effort. In addition to current employees, you will likely find the names of former employees, who make for great social engineering targets.
Addresses, Addresses, and More Addresses!
E-mail addresses can show up in so many places that it's nearly impossible to list them all. However, let's take a look at some great examples. Both Outlook Express and Eudora, two popular e-mail clients, use the .mbx extension for storage of e-mail. A Google search such as finds thousands of e-mails or mailboxes sitting on the Internet, as shown in Figure 4.6.
Obviously, a person's private e-mails can reveal loads of information about that person, as well as the company that person works for. They also provide names of coworkers, friends, and family members as well as any mailing lists they belong to.

However, more than e-mails can be found using Google. Many organizations use Microsoft Outlook for their e-mail and calendaring purposes, and it seems that Outlook has become the de facto standard in the workplace. With this in mind, the process of finding e-mails, calendars, and address books can be simpli­fied using a search such as . This search locates Outlook personal mail folders that include the words contacts, address, or inbox in the name.These words can be modified to return many other results. As shown in Figure 4.7, this query returns an ungodly number of files that were most likely never intended for public viewing. These are, after all per­sonal e-mail folders.

Figure 4.7 Microsoft Outlook Files on the Internet

f3 ft r\ Google Search; FiJetypeipst pst ( contacts I address | inbox}
The Windows Registry, the heart and soul of a Windows machine, can also be searched for e-mail addresses. It is, after all, a text file. But Google scanning a machine's registry? It can't happen, right? Rest assured, a search like produces some rather eye-opening results. You wouldn't think that people would put such sensitive information on the Internet, but as you can see in Figure 4.8, anything is possible.

The list of potential e-mail address locations could go on and on, but since we're not in the business of reckless tree killing, we'll just round out this section with a few examples from the Google Hacking Database.Table 4.1 presents sev­eral queries that can be used to dig up e-mail addresses, sometimes in the strangest of places!
Apache server error could reveal admin e­mail address

Cgiwrap script can reveal lots of information, including e-mail addresses and even phone numbers

CSV files that could contain e-mail addresses

dead.letter UNIX file contains the con­tents of unfinished e-mails that can con­tain sensitive information

fastcgi echo script can reveal lots of infor­mation, including e-mail addresses and server information

Finds Outlook PST files, which can con­tain e-mails, calendaring, and address information

Generic "inbox" search can locate e-mail caches

Maillog files can reveal usernames, e-mail addresses, user login/logout times, IP addresses, directories on the server, and more

Microsoft Access databases that could contain e-mail information

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets containing e-mail addresses

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets containing the words username, password, and email

Outlook Express cleanup.log file can con­tain locations of e-mail information

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