Appendix A
Grsecurity insallation: Kernel configuration screenshots
Her you may find ideas on how to proceed to configure your Kernel when it is patched with Grsecurity.
Appendix B
Combining PaX and Prelude
B.1 Overview
Our aim is to make Prelude Log Monitoring Lackey able to manage PaX generated log messages. The prelude-lml program listens on the syslog port, and it will send an idmef alert when a PaX message is received.
To do so, we may consider the following architecture:
• a machine A running Linux with a PaX patched Kernel
• a machine B running prelude-lml
• a machine C running prelude-manager
Note that the B and C machines may be the same one.
We want to monitor suspicious activity on A, thanks to PaX. This may easily be done locally, as PaX calls printk, which generates syslog messages (Kernel facility, error level). We want the messages to be sent to B, so that it can be handled by prelude-lml. All we need is to modify the syslog configuration on A; for instance we can add this in its /etc/syslogd.conf file, supposing that B's IP address is
kern.err 6172.20.3.100
This will redirect every Kernel log with at least an error level to the B machine, which will then be able to determine when a PaX alert must be sent to the Prelude manager.
B.2 PaX logs analysis
In order to allow Prelude to handle PaX logs, we have written a module for Prelude lml. The principle is simple: when the core of the prelude-lml program matches the "PAX: " string, in a syslog message, it will pass this syslog message to our module, which will handle it from the parsing phase to the idmef alert emission. At this stage, we have decided to handle only the main PaX messages, ie when a violation is detected, PaX will generate a first log specifying the kind of problem and information such as involved pid or uid. Then it will generate some debug info such as bytes at the instruction address. This is what we skip.
Here is the code:
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
#include <libprelude/list.h> #include <libprelude/idmef-tree.h> #include <libprelude/idmef-tree-func.h> #include <libprelude/prelude-io.h> #include <libprelude/prelude-message.h> #include <libprelude/prelude-message-buffered.h> #include <libprelude/idmef-msg-send.h> #include <libprelude/idmef-message-id.h> #include <libprelude/sensor.h>
#define PAX_INFO_URL ""
// Common struct
typedef struct _log_time {
unsigned int hour;
unsigned int minute;
unsigned int sec; } log_time_t;
typedef struct _log_date {
char * month;
unsigned int day; } log_date_t;
typedef struct _log_common {
log_date_t date;
log_time_t time;
char * hostname;
char * facility; } log_common_t;
// end of common struct
// Message types
enum msg_types { wtf_msg_type, tt_msg_type, dos_msg_type, dtlb_msg_type
// struct WTF
typedef struct _log_pax_wtf {
log_common_t * common_info;
char * comm;
unsigned int pid;
unsigned long fault_counter; } log_pax_wtf_t;
// struct terminating task
typedef struct _log_pax_terminating_task {
log_common_t * common_info;
char * path;
char * comm;
unsigned int pid;
unsigned int uid;
unsigned int euid;
unsigned long eip;
unsigned long esp; } log_pax_terminating_task_t;
// end of struct terminating task
// struct DOS
typedef struct _log_pax_dos {
log_common_t * common_info;
char * comm;
unsigned int pid;
unsigned int uid;
unsigned long eip;
unsigned long esp; } log_pax_dos_t;
// end of struct DOS
typedef struct _log_pax_dtlb_trashing { log_common_t * common_info; unsigned long counter; char * comm;
unsigned int pid; unsigned long eip; unsigned long esp; unsigned long addr; } log_pax_dtlb_trashing_t;
// fill the common struct and returns it
log_common_t * fill_common (const char * log) {
unsigned int temp_size = (unsigned int)(strlen(log)/3 + 1); log_common_t * common = (log_common_t *)malloc (sizeof(log_common_t));
common->date.month = (char *) malloc (temp_size * sizeof(char)); common->hostname = (char *) malloc (temp_size * sizeof(char)); common->facility = (char *) malloc (temp_size * sizeof(char));
sscanf (log, "7s %u %u:%u:%u %s 7s",
common->date.month, &common->, &common->time.hour,
&common->time.minute, &common->time.sec, common->hostname, common->facility);
common->date.month = (char *)realloc(common->date.month, strlen(common->date.month)+1); common->hostname = (char *)realloc(common->hostname, strlen(common->hostname)+1); common->facility = (char *)realloc(common->facility, strlen(common->facility)+1);
return common;
// fill a log_pax_wtf_t structure
* Will get the information printk'ed by PaX in:
* printk(KERN_ERR "PAX: wtf: 7,s:7,d, 7.ld\n",
* tsk->comm, tsk->pid, tsk->thread.pax_faults.count);
int fill_wtf(log_pax_wtf_t * wtf, const char * log) { int filled;
wtf->comm = (char *) malloc(strlen(log) * sizeof(char));
filled = sscanf(log, " 7.[~:]:7.d, 7.ld", wtf->comm, &wtf->pid, &wtf->fault_counter);
wtf->comm = realloc(wtf->comm, (strlen(wtf->comm) + 1) * sizeof(char)); return filled;
// fill a log_pax_terminanting_tast_t structure /*
* Will get the information printk'ed by PaX in:
* KERN_ERR "PAX: terminating task: ,/,s(,/,s):,/,d, uid/euid: /u/'/u, EIP: /08lX, ESP: /08lX\n",
* path, tsk->comm, tsk->pid, tsk->uid, tsk->euid, regs->eip, regs->esp);
int fill_terminating_task(log_pax_terminating_task_t * tt, const char * log) { int filled;
tt->path = (char *) malloc(strlen(log) * sizeof(char)); tt->comm = (char *) malloc(strlen(log) * sizeof(char));
filled = sscanf(log, " /["(](/[")]):/d, uid/euid: /u/'/u, EIP: /08lX, ESP: /,08lX", tt->path, tt->comm, &tt->pid, &tt->uid, &tt->euid, &tt->eip, &tt->esp);
tt->path = realloc(tt->path, (strlen(tt->path) + 1) * sizeof(char));
tt->comm = realloc(tt->comm, (strlen(tt->comm) + 1) * sizeof(char)); return filled;
// fill a log_pax_dos_t structure
* Will get the information printk'ed by PaX in:
* printk(KERN_ERR "PAX: preventing DoS: /s:/d, EIP: /08lX, ESP: /08lX\n",
* tsk->comm, tsk->pid, regs->eip, regs->esp);
int fill_dos(log_pax_dos_t * dos, const char * log) { int filled;
dos->comm = (char *) malloc(strlen(log) * sizeof(char));
filled = sscanf(log, " /,[":]:/,d, EIP: /08lX, ESP: /08lX", dos->comm, &dos->pid, &dos->eip, &dos->esp);
dos->comm = realloc(dos->comm, (strlen(dos->comm) + 1) * sizeof(char)); return filled;
// fill a log_pax_dtlb_trashing_t structure
* Will get the information printk'ed by PaX in:
* printk(KERN_ERR "PAX: DTLB trashing, level /ld: /s:/d,"
* "EIP: 7,08lX, ESP: 7.08lX, cr2: 7.08lX\n",
* tsk->thread.pax_faults.count - (PAX_SPIN_COUNT+1),
* tsk->comm, tsk->pid, regs->eip, regs->esp, address);
int fill_dtlb_trashing(log_pax_dtlb_trashing_t * dtlb, const char * log) { int filled;
dtlb->comm = (char *) malloc(strlen(log) * sizeof(char));
filled = sscanf(log, " 7ld: 7.[":]:7.d,EIP: 7.08lX, ESP: 7.08lX, cr2: 7.08lX", &dtlb->counter, dtlb->comm, &dtlb->pid, &dtlb->eip, &dtlb->esp, &dtlb->addr);
dtlb->comm = realloc(dtlb->comm, (strlen(dtlb->comm) + 1) * sizeof(char)); return filled;
// auxiliary idmef functions
static int fill_target(idmef_target_t * target, int type, unsigned long log_pax_struct) { idmef_node_t * node = idmef_target_node_new(target); idmef_process_t * process = idmef_target_process_new(target); idmef_user_t * user; idmef_userid_t * userid;
if ( !(node && process) ) return -1;
switch(type){ case(wtf_msg_type):
idmef_string_set(&process->name, ((log_pax_wtf_t *)log_pax_struct)->comm);
process->pid = ((log_pax_wtf_t *)log_pax_struct)->pid;
idmef_string_set(&node->name, ((log_pax_wtf_t *)log_pax_struct)->common_info->hostname);
user = idmef_target_user_new(target);
((log_pax_terminating_task_t *)log_pax_struct)->path); idmef_string_set(&process->name,
((log_pax_terminating_task_t *)log_pax_struct)->comm); process->pid = ((log_pax_terminating_task_t *)log_pax_struct)->pid; idmef_string_set(&node->name,
((log_pax_terminating_task_t *)log_pax_struct)->common_info->hostname);
if(user && (userid = idmef_user_userid_new(user))){ userid->type = current_user;
userid->number = ((log_pax_terminating_task_t *)log_pax_struct)->uid;
if((userid = idmef_user_userid_new(user))){ userid->type = user_privs;
userid->number = ((log_pax_terminating_task_t *)log_pax_struct)->euid; }
idmef_string_set(&process->name, ((log_pax_dos_t *)log_pax_struct)->comm); process->pid = ((log_pax_dos_t *)log_pax_struct)->pid; idmef_string_set(&node->name, ((log_pax_dos_t *)log_pax_struct)->common_info->hostname);
if(user && (userid = idmef_user_userid_new(user))){ userid->type = current_user;
userid->number = ((log_pax_dos_t *)log_pax_struct)->uid;
((log_pax_dtlb_trashing_t *)log_pax_struct)->comm); process->pid = ((log_pax_dtlb_trashing_t *)log_pax_struct)->pid; idmef_string_set(&node->name,
((log_pax_dtlb_trashing_t *)log_pax_struct)->common_info->hostname); break;
return 0;
// global handling of the PaX log
static int pax_log_processing(const char * log) { log_common_t * log_c = fill_common(log);
char * tmp = (char *) malloc((strlen(log) + 1) * sizeof(char)); idmef_message_t * message = idmef_message_new(); idmef_alert_t * alert; prelude_msgbuf_t * msgbuf; char * tmp_save = tmp;
if ( prelude_sensor_init("PaX", NULL, 0, NULL) < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't initialize Prelude library\n"); return -1;
if( Imessage )
return -1;
msgbuf = prelude_msgbuf_new(0); if ( !msgbuf ) goto errbuf;
/* Initialize the idmef structures */
alert = message->message.alert;
idmef_alert_detect_time_new(alert); idmef_alert_analyzer_time_new(alert);
/* Verify it is a PAX log, ie if it is formatted as expected */ if((tmp = strstr(log, "PAX: "))){ int ret = 0;
idmef_assessment_t * assessment; idmef_action_t * action; idmef_classification_t * classification; idmef_additional_data_t * additional; idmef_target_t * target;
tmp = tmp +5; /* tmp now points after 'PAX: ' */
* Analyzer section: genral information;
* no node or process class is provided
idmef_string_set_constant(&alert->analyzer.model, "PaX Linux Kernel patch");
idmef_string_set_constant(&alert->analyzer.class, "Non-executable Memory Page Violation Detection idmef_string_set_constant(&alert->analyzer.ostype, "Linux");
* Assessment section: bases are set here, more details further
* Impact, Action, Confidence
idmef_alert_assessment_new(alert); assessment = alert->assessment;
idmef_assessment_impact_new(assessment); assessment->impact->severity = impact_medium; assessment->impact->completion = failed; assessment->impact->type = other;
action = idmef_assessment_action_new(assessment); if( !action ) goto err;
action->category = notification_sent;
idmef_assessment_confidence_new(assessment); assessment->confidence->rating = high;
* Classification section:
* origin unknown by default, name specified further, url : cf sigmund
classification = idmef_alert_classification_new(alert); if( Iclassification ) goto err;
idmef_string_set_constant(&classification->url, PAX_INFO_URL);
* Additional data section: contains the log message ?
additional = idmef_alert_additional_data_new(alert); if ( Iadditional )
goto err; additional->type = string;
idmef_string_set_constant(&additional->meaning, "PaX log message"); idmef_string_set(&additional->data, log);
* Target section: the target is the machine using PaX
* We have information on:
* - the node: always
* - the process: always
* - the user: only in terminating task and dos
* user: when euid is not uid we'll consider it's an attempt to
* to become the user corresponding to euid
target = idmef_alert_target_new(alert);
if ( Itarget )
goto err;
/* test in the subcases if we have a hostname or an addr */
/* Which kind of PaX msg are we dealing with ? */ if(strncmp(tmp, "wtf: ", 5) == 0){
log_pax_wtf_t wtf;
wtf.common_info = log_c;
tmp = tmp + 5;
ret = fill_wtf(&wtf, tmp);
if(ret != 3) goto err;
fill_target(target, wtf_msg_type, (unsigned long)&wtf);
goto msg;
if(strncmp(tmp, "terminating task: ", 18) == 0){ log_pax_terminating_task_t tt; tt.common_info = log_c;
tmp = tmp + 18;
ret = fill_terminating_task(&tt, tmp);
if(ret != 7) goto err;
fill_target(target, tt_msg_type, (unsigned long)&tt);
idmef_string_set_constant(&assessment->impact->description, "Code execution in non-executable memory page detected and avoided by PaX");
idmef_string_set_constant(&action->description, "Process killed");
idmef_string_set_constant(&classification->name, "Forbidden Code Execution Attempt");
if( tt.uid != tt.euid){ if( tt.euid == 0)
assessment->impact->type = admin; else
assessment->impact->type = user; }
goto msg;
if(strncmp(tmp, "preventing DoS: ", 16) == 0){ log_pax_dos_t pdos; pdos.common_info = log_c;
tmp = tmp + 16;
ret = fill_dos(&pdos, tmp);
if(ret != 4) goto err;
fill_target(target, dos_msg_type, (unsigned long)&pdos); assessment->impact->type = dos;
idmef_string_set_constant(&assessment->impact->description, "DoS Attempt detected and avoided by PaX");
idmef_string_set_constant(&action->description, "Process killed");
idmef_string_set_constant(&classification->name, "DoS Attempt against the Kernel memory manager");
goto msg;
if(strncmp(tmp, " DTLB trashing, level ", 22) == 0){ log_pax_dtlb_trashing_t dtlb; dtlb.common_info = log_c;
tmp = tmp + 22;
ret = fill_dtlb_trashing(&dtlb, tmp);
if(ret != 22) goto err;
fill_target(target, dtlb_msg_type, (unsigned long)&dtlb);
goto msg;
idmef_msg_send(msgbuf, message, PRELUDE_MSG_PRIORITY_MID); idmef_message_free(message); prelude_msgbuf_close(msgbuf); if( tmp_save )
free(tmp_save); if( log_c )
free(log_c); return 0;
prelude_msgbuf_close(msgbuf); errbuf:
idmef_message_free(message); if( tmp_save )
free(tmp_save); if( log_c )
free(log_c); return -1;
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